Sunday, February 13, 2011

Brad Bird and his tributes to 'Frank and Ollie'

In two of the films Brad Bird directed he paid tribute to two of Disney's 'Nine Old Men', Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston.

The first was in 'The Iron Giant';

And the second in 'The Incredibles;

Frank and Ollie play an important part in the history of animation, not only are they legendary Disney animators contributing to movies such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Pinocchio, Fantasia, The Jungle Book etc., but they're also the creators of the '12 Principles of Animation' with their book 'The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation', which has been referred to as 'the Bible of the industry'.
The principles, though originally written for traditional 2D animation, are still used and applied today in all aspects of animating, including 3D.

In their animated appearance in 'The Incredibles', both characters refer to The Incredibles defeat of the robot as 'old school'. I see this as having a kind of second meaning on top of the obvious, and referring their involvement in 'old school' animation.

Frank Thomas animated the INCREDIBLY famous spaghetti scene in Disney's 'Lady and the Tramp' (below)

While Frank animated that particular scene (as well as the character 'Jock') Ollie Johnston was responsible for the animation of Lady throughout the entire movie.
How appropriate for Valentine's Day :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nick, Nice Bloggin, ha ha! These animations are certainly some "Bad Ass" cartoons! I like these animations and they are very popular obviously, the pencil tests and lines are awesome. I like your taste for films mostly, and awesome post including The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack!!! I love this cartoon and the style and the comedy and animation...also interesting that it would get a reference to Spongebob also, this is the only thing I dislike about this cartoon is that it's so simmilar to Spongebob Squarepants and is transparent given that so many reviewers and fans have said this also, I love this cartoon still and Spongebob and Ren and Stimpy they are so expressive and awesome yet with simplicity also and they have good animation principles and expressive facial animation etc. :)
